Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Christmas Vacation 2013

    Growing up we didn't do vacations. I may have mentioned that before. So once I got married, I always thought that we would be one of those families who went on vacation every summer. Then life happened. We lost jobs, got new jobs, had babies and were busy trying to build a life. 
       Then as the girls got a little older, we did a couple weekend getaways. They were always awesome, but also made me nervous about ever really taking a long trip considering how hard it is to get everything planned, together and actually to a destination. 

      Then last year we made it to Disney World !!! I still can't believe that we were able to go. I can't wait to go back and take Matthew !

    But this year we took our first skiing trip to South Fork CO. We had so much fun and up until that last day ( when Brooke and I came down with the flu ) it was so worth it ! 

This was the view from our balcony. It was so nice waking up each morning looking out our window from our bed :)

Matthew was not a fan of the cold or the snow lol he kept saying ( it's Yukky !)

Our girls went the ski school for two days. We went skiing with them on the second day and could not believe how good they were. And fearless ! I was in amazement. A little girl who wouldn't come down off her bunk bed, yet she would ski down a mountain at break neck speeds lol 

We visited the town of Creed where we went up to see a mining area up on one side of a mountain. 

While Shawn went snowmobiling with the guys and Kourtney, we took the girls ice skating. It took Katie a minute to get her ice legs lol 

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