Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Cousin's Photo's

So this year for the first time, we got all the cousin's together for Christmas Jammie photo's. This is a concept I saw on Pintrest last year and we didn't have time to pull it off.

This year we decided to give it a try and I am pretty pleased with the result.

Had you seen all the craziness, you would be shocked we even got a decent photo

For one, it was kinda wet and muddy, all the little's were in PJ's and the younger ones had on footie jammies. Then there was the twin sized bed to haul out into the woods. Then we have 4 mothers ( us ) 3 different camera's going and multiple limbs to trip over lol. Looking back, I can't believe we did this without getting frustrated ! Sometimes it helps to NOT think things all the way through. Ok, so here are a few of my personal fav from the session.
This one is by far my FAV of the ENTIRE session of my kids. Matthew was so rowdy jumping all over the bed, jumping OFF the bed, rolling off the bed, etc. BUT for this one glorious shot, he nailed it ! The girls as usual are adorable, and do what they are told and stay where they are asked, but with a wild card like my little man, it's still never easy. 

 This is my niece Leila. She is 1 and during this session, she was a busy little bee : ) I did manage to grab a couple shots of her looking at me ! Not easy or sometimes even possible with a mobile 1 year old !

This was Chelsey's idea I believe. And it's one of my fav's ! Brooke has just now gotten into a habit of wanting to read Matthew a bedtime story at night. She loves her siblings more then I have EVER seen anyone. I realize how very blessed I am and I am so THANKFUL to the Lord for each and every one of my little's. 

I LOVE the way Leila is holding onto Brooke's arm, Matthew is slumping down lol And just the entire photo in general.

 This was the ONLY shot I got of all the grandkids looking my direction ! I love it ! LOVE it.

NOW for an outtake lol 

What the heck is Matthew doing ???? LETS take a CLOSER look

YUP, I have NO idea what face this is, but it was NOT the only one that day lol 

I hope you enjoyed this photo's as much as we enjoy them ! Merry Christmas from the Bryan family and Happy New Year ! 

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